Monday, October 8, 2012

Well, it's official...we are "leaf peepers"

Well, it's official...we are "leaf peepers".  That's what they call people who drive or walk around looking at the fall leaves.  They are nice, but the locals tell us they're not as nice as usual because of the dry weather they've had here this year.  Because of the lack of moisture this summer, the leaves are not staying on the trees as long as they usually do.  They turn colors and drop off.  So all the different colors will probably not be on the trees at the same time this year.  Good thing we'll be here next fall too. We took a stroll through the Sacred Grove Friday evening at dusk.  We had the grove all to ourselves and it was wonderful....loved every minute.

Here's something funny....there is another Elder and Sister Poulson in our mission, right here in Palmyra.  They are "site" missionaries which means they are a senior couple at the church's historic sites.  There is one senior couple and a young sisters couple at each of the sites from 9:00AM until closing time each day.  They rotate to different sites every day.  We took our picture together last week at our "district meeting" and then we watched General Conference together on Sunday at their apartment.  Haven't found any relationship yet, but both Elder Poulsons' great-grandfathers came out of Denmark.  Their home is in Ephraim, Utah. 

I thought you might like to see a picture of the guest room we have here at the Martin Harris Farm.  So here you go.  It's available for family and friends to use while visiting in Palmyra.  We do have to reserve it because we share it with the other two couples who live here.

Last week Elder Poulson and I got the assignment to drive to all of the Church's historical sites around this area and take pictures of all the signs giving information/directions to the sites.  Salt Lake Historical Department needed the information to be able to update, if necessary the signs.  They wanted pictures from a distance down the road and then close up pictures too.  It took us 6 hours to photograph 25 signs from all the different sides and distances.  We had a great time filling this assignment. Then, the next day, I spent most of the day writing up the report.  It had the actual pictures plus a written description of exactly what kind of signs and exactly where the signs are located.  

Here's a picture at the Peter Whitmer Farm where we took some pictures for the report and had a picnic lunch under this gorgeous tree.


  1. I love it all!! I can't wait to come for a visit! Love and miss you both.

  2. The computer had me signed in as Quinn.. This is Kayce btw :)

    1. YAY, you made a comment and I can read it! It would be wonderful if you could come for a visit while we're here. You have time, we'll be here for 22 more months. Miss you too. HUGS!

    2. Hey, I did it too, finally! Give Quinn a BIG HUG for me, please!
