Monday, October 1, 2012

Our Home Away From Our Home

Here are some pictures of the inside of where we are living.  We live upstairs and the stairs begin right by the front door which we always keep locked.  This home is not a church historical site, but the farm is and people are always, even this time of year, looking around and reading the signs, etc.  It's fun to look out the second story windows and see where they are from.

Our thoughtful daughter-in-law gave me this Home Sweet Home quilt that her mother, one of my best friends, made before she left this earth and passed beyond the veil.  I like to think that she know it's hanging here in Palmyra on our door.  Thanks Lyric and Pam.

 Here's a picture from the top of the stairs looking down toward the locked front door.

Open the door, stand on the threshold and this is the view of our front room/kitchen combo.  It's small, but it works.  I would give lot for more counter space though.  It's tough doing dishes for sure and when I bake cookies, I have to cool them on a table outside our door in the hallway. 

Walk through the kitchen/living room and you're in a short, very short hallway.  Look to your right and here's our laundry room.  It is amazingly small, but hey, I'm glad I don't have to go to a laundromat or down to a river, like so many missionaries have to do.

There's a door off the kitchen, right next to the refrigerator that is the bathroom door.  I took this picture standing in that doorway.  The bathroom is ample room and has lots of cabinets for storage.

If you walk down that short, short hallway, you enter our bedroom and this is what it looks like from the doorway.  It's a very large room with plenty of space for my sewing machine, etc.  The closet leaves a lot to be desired, but we manage that okay, too.

This is a picture of our bedroom from the one of the dressers toward the bed.

 Our desk looking out the window toward the front yard and eastern exposure.  I love this giant oak tree.  It looks like the cement trees they have at Disneyland.  It is inspiring to think about all this mighty oak has witnessed.  In another blog, I'll show you some pictures of the "Witness Trees" which still stand in the Sacred Grove. 

1 comment:

  1. Bishop Bill and Carol
    Good to see Pam's blanket. She was an amazing lady. She probably has been assigned to keep an eye on her ol' pal Carol whilst you are terrying there in Palmyra!!!
    Looks like a cozy little place for you two love birds to hang out!!! I don't see one thing that is missing(well maybe the coffee pot--teehee) Just kidding!!!
    The Finger Lakes are a beautiful place to watch the fall colors change. Emigration Canyon and Provo Canyon are literly on Fire with the fall colors this year!!! I was above the Bountiful Temple yesterday riding my motorcycle with my boys and the colors and views were off the chart.
    Just think you'll be part of the Pageant next year! Wow..........
    I have two places that have changed my life in this world. One is the Carthage Jail in the upper room and the other is the Sacred Grove. If you enter both of these with a prayer in your heart, the truthfulness of this gospel and it's restoration by a boy prophet is illuminated before you. You can stand in that grove and your mind goes on a magical tour of those sacred events and the ushering in of a the final dispensation. If you're like me, I try to figure out where it exactly happened which makes no difference to your eternal salvation and exaltation but it's fun to "wonder" where.
    Remember, we are just like you two: Two old folks trying to make it to heaven!!!
    All is Well!
    Milt & Warden
