Sunday, October 14, 2012

Autumn In Palmyra

Some of the scenes we see on the way to and from the Facilities Management Office and while we're working there. This is a beautiful place to serve our mission. We are so blessed to feel the spirit of these places each and every day. The Gospel is True! It began right here in these very places and angels still guard them. Especially in the Sacred Grove I get the sense that many important things have happened here. I believe it was a sacred place even before Joseph knelt there. I'm sure he felt it too.
We are going to help out with a YM camp at Seneca Lake tonight. Our rank in file leader at work is also the stake YM President and asked us to help out. The camp is actually a Young Womens' camp right on Lake Seneca. It's a beautiful place and it will be fun to experience camping (in cabins) there. Glad for cabins, it's suppose to freeze here tonight. BRRRRRRRRRR Hoping to have pictures to post of the camp and the lake. Stay tuned.


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