Thursday, May 16, 2013

Nathan, our grandson with his mission call to Madrid, Spain, came to visit Palmyra and his girlfriend, Kendall who has her mission call to the Philippines.  Kendall received her endowments in the Palmyra Temple and here we are in front of the temple. 

Then we took very quick tours of the sites.  Here is Elder Poulson (aka Grandpa) and Nathan entering the Welcome Center at the Smith Farm.

Nathan and Kendall inside the Smith Log Cabin.  And Grandpa & Kendall outside the cabin.

Nathan on the road/path to the Smith Frame Home with the Palmyra Temple in the background.  He is one happy boy.


Grandpa and Nathan with the apple orchard in the background.  It’s finally spring in Palmyra.


 Nathan in the Sacred Grove.  It was a rainy, thunder storm kind of afternoon.

Looking up at one of the “adversity trees”.

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