Sunday, March 24, 2013

A New Friend

We have been fellowshipping a “golden investigator” for about 2 months now.  She has been taught by 2 young missionary sisters and attending our Canandaigua Ward.  I have been drawn to her because she reminds me so much of our daughter-in-law, Becky.  This investigator’s name is Rebeca Reyes…our daughter-in-law, before she married our son was Rebecca Reyes.  Our Becky joined the church when she was just a couple of years younger than Rebeca is .  Both girls were raised Catholic and converted in their young adult years.  Takes me back and I’ve loved getting to know this new Rebeca in my life.  Yesterday Rebeca was baptized and she asked me to give the talk on the Holy Ghost at her baptism.  Today, Sunday, she was confirmed and Elder Poulson stood in and participated in that.  It was a great!   Here’s some pictures.

Here’s Rebeca with “her” missionaries.  They are Sister Hatch and Sister Killen.  Sister Hatch goes home this month and we will really miss her.  Sister Killen has only been here a couple of months, but we love her too.  We work with amazing young women.  They have surely been reserved for these last days.  Have no worries, “they’ve got this”.

Here we are after the baptism with Rebeca Reyes.

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