Tuesday, December 11, 2012


On Tuesday I drove out to Fayette, all by myself which is a big deal.  I get so turned around here.  What is actually west feels to me like it's east, etc.  It's a little scary to me so I got directions from Elder Poulson and then took our GPS with me just in case.  Drove straight there and put up this Christmas tree with the help from one of our employees who met me there.  This is in the Visitors' Center at the Whitmer Farm where the church was officially organized on April 6, 1830. 

Here's the base of the tree.  I couldn't help but think how much our daughter, Carrie, would appreciate this tree, the one at the Smith Farm and the one in the Grandin Building.  These three are "old fashion" like and fit the scene well.


We set up nativities at each  site.  This one is fairly small, but I was able to get my own picture in it too.

In the afternoon Tuesday, we set up the tree at the Hill Cumorah.  Everyone who was here last year kept telling me it was a pink tree.  I couldn't imagine why "they" would have chosen a pink tree.  Turns out, the tree isn't pink, it's the ornaments that are pink and very Victorian.  It's not my favorite for the sites, but it is very fancy.  Take a look.

Lastly, on Wednesday morning, we set up the tree and nativities at the Grandin Building.  This is the print shop where the first 5000 copies of the Book of Mormon were published.  Our site missionaries refer to it as BOMPS (Book of Mormon Printing Site) but I can't bring myself to call it that.  This tree has a Toy Store theme and the window behind the tree faces the main street in Palmyra and has an old fashioned toy store display in it that we also set up.


Here's one of two nativities we set up in the 3 story Grandin Building.  It's fairly large and sits on the floor near the Christmas Tree.

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