Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thankful Thoughts for Mission 2012

On our first Thanksgiving Day ever, away from family and serving our mission in Palmyra, New York, here’s a partial list of what we are thankful for: 

A loving Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost

A missionary call and our ability to serve in this sacred area

We’re thankful for chairs and doors and walls and roofs that need repairing. 

We’re thankful for a Holy Temple that needs to be cleaned inside and out. 

We’re thankful for Sacred Sites to visit and maintain. 

We’re thankful for a magnificent wood shop and mechanic shop.

We’re thankful for wonderful people with whom we work.

We’re thankful for Easy-Go carts and Work-Horse carts to drive.

We’re thankful for acres and acres and more acres of church land and forests to ride them in and for the beautiful farm lands that are everywhere.

We’re thankful for the Pageant area that needs mowing and tending. 

We’re thankful for the beautiful, sacred wood from The Hill Cumorah from which to make wood projects.

We’re thankful for a cozy, warm, comfortable 162+ year old home on sacred land in which we live.

We’re thankful for our large, supportive family.

We’re thankful for our testimonies of the truth.

We’re thankful for being here together as eternal companions in the service of our God.

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