Thursday, September 13, 2012

And so it begins...

Where we are....and where we are headed!

Brother & Sister Beesley
The Beesleys are serving in their home stake in "reactivation" in Midvale, Utah 

Brother & Sister Childers
The Childers are serving in Sumara, Russia with CES

Brother & Sister Haws
The Haws are serving in West Africa as church auditors

Loving the MTC!

Our district with Brother Pearson our trainer
In the mornings we studied with Sister Reese and in the afternoons we had Brother Pearson.  We love them and feel so blessed to have had both of them as trainers

Our district with Sister Reese our trainer
We loved our trainers at the MTC.  They taught us many wonderful things, one of which is that we teach people.....not lessons.

The fall colors were in great display the day we left the MTC, a reminder of the time of year we began serving

The cafeteria at the MTC.  So much fun to eat together will all the young Elders and Sisters serving The Lord.

Elder Poulson's 'Ammonite'.  Much like a gratitude rock, this stone reminds him that people don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care. It reminds him to love the people like Ammon loved the people he taught.

We felt so strongly as we visited with these young people from all over the world, that our world is in good hands.

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