Thursday, February 28, 2013

Cat Sitting

Here are the cats we are “sitting”.  The dark one is Sherlock and the yellow one is Watson.  They are spoiled and they love it.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

House Sitting

Monday and Tuesday this past week we finished painting the stage at the Palmyra Stake Center.  We had previously painted the “U” shaped part of the stage, the part of the stage where the actors actually perform.  That was high enough, about 18 feet.  This week we finished by painting the stairwells on each side of the stage.  At the highest end, the walls are about 4 feet higher than the stage itself.  I thought it was impossible for the two of us to do it, but Elder Poulson never says, “die”.  So, did it we did.  It does look great and should last until the young men throw their basketballs against the walls, sigh.

Wednesday morning Elder Poulson had a “procedure” on his left hand to relieve some numbing and tingling he has been experiencing. An MRI showed a ganglia in his wrist/palm that is pressing on the nerve to his ring and small fingers.  The surgeon tried to suck out the fluid with a syringe, but it didn’t work.  He did get the ganglia punctured though and Elder Poulson feels like the circulation is improving.  We’ll give it a week or two and if it isn’t completely healed or at least almost better, the surgeon will have to “go in” and get the ganglia.  Never a dull minute here.

Thursday we installed blinds we purchased for a missionary couple’s apartment.  The old blinds were falling apart and were being held together with toothpicks and scotch tape as splints. 

Now, Friday through Monday, we’re house-sitting for a couple we work with here in Palmyra.  They are church employees here but have a home and family in Vermont.  They are spending the long week-end in Vermont and we are sitting with their chickens and 2 cats.  It has snowed all night and now all day and we’re “snowed in”.  They have a dirt/gravel driveway that is winding and steep and now icy.  I’m not venturing out in our truck on that until it is cleared.  That just might not be until tomorrow.

The plus side of this house-sitting is that they have bird feeders and lots of eastern birds.  Here are just a few example of what we’re watching out the glass patio doors.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Ice Crystal Trees

The Sabbath morning was beautiful…crisp blue skies behind ice crystal trees and snow covered fields.  Enjoy, we did.

“Historical Storm” of 2013

Well, the “Historical Storm” of 2013 came and went Friday and Saturday.  Here in the western part of upstate New York it didn’t amount to much.  I’ve seen more snow from one storm in Utah.  I guess it was pretty bad over near Boston, but here it was just cold and inconvenient.  Saturday afternoon we drove up to the top of the Hill Cumorah.  Here are 3 pictures we took:  the road going up to the Moroni monument, our favorite picnic spot on “the hill” and a view of Moroni and the United States Flag.  It was icy but very beautiful.

Wintry Sunrise

A wintry sunrise from our office on the Hill Cumorah.  

This is what happens after a BIG storm and the HUGE ice buildup on the roof comes sliding down on the PVC fence.  

6 February 2013

Zone Conference today, what an amazing experience to serve here, right here, in the “Cradle of the Restoration”, the very place where Joseph walked and talked with angels.  We are truly blessed to be here.  Elder Poulson and I have a new mantra we repeat to one another almost every day.  Here it is:

            “If you’re blessed enough to serve in Palmyra, you’re blessed enough”

Baptismal Fonts

We have spent quite a bit of time cleaning the baptismal fonts in the chapels here in the Finger Lakes area.  Seems most of the buildings have fonts.  Here’s a picture of Elder Poulson in one of the fonts.  Sometimes I get feeling like we’re not really doing missionary work and then I remember just how thankful I am to be here in “the Cradle of the Restoration” where it all began.  I believe that all those who were here supporting Joseph are happy indeed that we are here doing what we can to have facilities equal to the “gathering of Israel”.

John Young Farm

For the first time Elder Poulson and I were sent out to the John Young Farm.  This is the farm of Brigham Young’s father, John.  There are two original homes on the property where missionaries live.  These are the missionaries that help to run our Rochester, New York Mission Office.  It was a simple job of replacing a shower head, but we were happy to drive out there and see it for the first time.  This is also the farm where the threshing barn, that is now on the Smith Farm, was originally.

Temple President’s Home

A leak developed in the Temple President’s home.  Not to worry, Elder Poulson fixed it. 

I didn't get pictures of the finished wall, but it is finished and looking brand new.